Friday, September 30, 2011

TY postcard for the PILs

Um yeah. I know there's probably a slicker way to lay this out, but I don't have time to figure that out right now. BUT, I do have time to stay late at work to make my lovely parents-in-law this thank you postcard. Yes, the favorite, free and handy cardboard again. Cranes - they mate for life. And the message was based on a conversation we had when they last visited. I hope they remember. I think T will. So this convo. J and I were walking to see art and I says, "hey, I'm gonna tell you the 3 most awesome things about you and the 3 least awesome. Won't that be fun?" Man, what I find fun just ain't what many other people find fun. J humored me. I start with a big one, a beautiful one, "I think you are truely kind." That's some smooth flirting right? Maybe bring a tear to your eye? What do I get for a response, "great, kind is boring." Wa!?! I obnoxiously try to define the word for him (surely he doesn't understand the meaning of the first word I would use to describe the best thing about the human being I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with). Yeah, that part was less flirty. So we get back to our apt. and the P-I-Ls are there and I ask my MIL what 3 adjectives she would use to describe the best things about her son. First word, "Kind." Take that sucka! You's kind. Eat it! I'm callin' it. I think I won that argument. Soooo, I used that conversation as a basis for the TY postcard. My PILs are awesome. Let's see, I said: Kind, True and Fun. The Fun is true, but not really what I first thought of. I wanted to write Human, but that seemed sort of obvious. Or an imperfect way of saying that I love the imperfection of humans. Oh yeah, and then laminated the whole card.