New life will mean more Herrell's ice cream, but this post isn't about that. First, was wearing my roller derby T from Austin (TX derby rules!) and the adorable young scooper girl asked if I did roller derby. So sweet! and of course she doesn't know how old, uncoordinated and un-athletic I am. Thank you cute young ice cream scooper for the compliment and for eagerly and passionately informing me about westernmass derby and freshman night. I don't think my new life will have roller derby in it unless that MA health insurance kicks ass and I become someone who doesn't mind bruises, cuts and soreness.
J and I ate ice cream with CB and his gf Jenn. CB and Jenn were visiting westernmass from Oakland. Awesome that we got to see them and share an old wmass treat. They are also considering, eventually, to move back East. I'm sure they will do whatever is right for them. These are smart, thoughtful, mature people. I have know CB since we were, what, 16/17 years old. Ca-razy! We be old. Old friends, it's interesting. Do you still think of them as the people you once knew well? I mean, I've changed in 30 years. Or maybe nostalgia makes you mainly remember the best best things about that person? And maybe remembering the best best things about people and their potential makes you want to shake some people? And at the same time you know you wouldn't want anyone shaking you? Sooooooo, reconnecting with lots of old friends. Some of my favorite people in the world and one of the biggest reasons I am so happy to move back. I'm not really saying anything. Just thinking a lot because on the threshold of something new and not really sure what's to come. It's a tiny bit anxiety inducing, but mostly feels exciting and freeing and full of opportunities.
And finally - what I was meaning to say. Since I don't have followers, I can be pretty self-indulgent and rambly here. I have alluded to this blog to a couple Baltimore friends, but never told them what it was. CB and Jenn are the first people I actually told the name of my blog. I expect CB will actually take a look at some point. Poor nico, so many brain cells lost. haha. but CB is so intelligent (way smarter than I am) and really talented (me, talentless) and very very clever (more clever than I usually like in a person) and there is scarcely a written word in his blog! what up CB? Why you being shy? Write already! It's what you're meant to do!
Oh yeah, dropped Buck 73 in the booth at Herrell's.
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