Julius Cesar and Othello, mine? Jim's? college definitely. They were found padding a box of CDs.
Ryu Murakami's In the Miso Soup - Jim donated. He said I didn't need to read it. I trust him. He knows what I like. He bought this book after reading Audition by the same author. Audition the book was not as good as Audition the movie (according to Jim). Audition the movie is awesome and made us watch a lot of Takashi Miike.
Augusten Burrough's A Wolf at the Table was left by Jim's dad. Jim read Running With Scissors and didn't like it that much. I have read nothing by him but have heard from people I trust, that eh, probably gonna annoy me. I've been warned. Neither one of us wanted to read this book, so into the pile it goes.
B is for Beer was probably a gift to Jim from his parents. He read it, but no need to keep it.
Wittgenstein - I have loved some quotes I've read and Wittgenstein and Steve Martin are part of a dreamy wintery experience I had one morning many years ago, so, the intro book. I read it, was fine, but will read actual Wittgenstein, or not, going forward. And
MLA Style Manual, why did I keep you? I'm thinking I won't be referencing you again.
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