I have quite a few textile art ideas on my creative projects lists. I work on a bunch of things at the same time and the list grows. I feel no stress about completing things. My 2 full-time jobs and basic chores come first. Creative projects are for spare time and any time I get for them is a pleasure. I don't need to ruin something so lovely by cracking a whip. My brain has gone through a re-framing of sorts in my new life. I'm not very good at explaining it, or even fully understanding it yet. Basically, the things that bothered me about my life and my self before, have evaporated. Life seems so much easier now. I always know what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel like I have so much freedom and so many opportunities, that instead of putting stupid parameters and rules on myself, I just need to relax and go with the flow. If an idea or project gets shelved, it was probably supposed to. It's right there on the shelf. I can pick it up again, and it will have probably benefited from the slow simmer. How would I know what I'm supposed to be doing? I get more done now, and I'm happier than I've ever been. That's more than enough.
I stupidly started embroidering this t-shirt craft night a few years ago. Stitching on stretchy t-shirt material is idiotic. I realized it right away, but kept poking around at it when I wasn't working on another project. My friend T gave me this t-shirt for taking care of her cat when she went to Europe in 1997. I was gonna toss it. It was misshapen and had armpit stains, and then I decided to cut out and embroider the unstained image. Who knows if I would have ever finished it, but T was working on a piece for our textile art show, so it felt like the right time. Now our pieces are hanging next to each other in my gallery. Life is weird and wonderful. I'm pretty sure no one is going to buy it and I owed a dear friend a gift. She harassed me regularly about this exact project (flirting in my world). So I'm gifting it to C. But really, this is all just the big gift that is my life.
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