Sunday, October 12, 2014

Aren't I a comedian if I say I am?

(why I’m doing stand-up)

I am a story-teller, I’ve decided. I write and tell stories. And you know, read, think about and discuss them. I write and tell in different formats and situations and I enjoy the process. But I wonder, is there something that I am better at than another? Should I really try to focus on one area? Or jump around as the project, timing and opportunities present themselves? How to know? I decided to devise an experiment.

I think I’m hilarious. But when am I funniest and how best to be funny? And why even bother trying to figure it out? Well, because I added “do open-mic stand-up comedy” to my “things to do in my year of 50” list. Since I was already thinking about it, I figured why not use comedy to test if I should focus, or jump around. It’s not a fool-proof test, but there will be data, experiences, feedback, stuff to analyze. Something’s gonna happen.

I’ve got a rough routine. I wrote it as a humor piece and submitted it to McSweeney’s Internet Tendency on 10/7. We’ll see what happens. I’m editing this piece here about my intentions and will post it to my blog right before I walk over to do my first stand-up open-mic. I will put it here so it has a place to be and to document my intentions in advance. Keeps me honest. I will walk over with or meet friends at Bishop’s Lounge. One of them will tape it. I will post my video to YouTube. I will link to video and essay in my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Something’s gonna happen.

Then really, whatever happens, I get to interpret it. If I loved doing stand-up, receive a warm response and my friends liked it – I will try again. What if I hate live performance and bomb, but my written humor is accepted by Internet Tendency – then I will try to do more written humor pieces. Maybe the response and feelings are equal – then I jump around. So I have a date, a crew, and something to say. Then just see what happens. It’s all learning. It’s all equal. All outcomes are the right outcomes.

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