Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thing 11: wine glasses

Shut up. I know, another gift. Details of this gift make me a little sad, but that's a different story. I had a bunch of wine glasses in Baltimore that I didn't like (gifts, ha). But, I totally used them. So sometimes ya get stuff you would not buy yourself, and maybe don't even really like, but you use it forever anyway, because whatever, and maybe I am too lazy to go and find and pay for the perfect thing to replace it. And in the end, whatever right? I have stuff I love, stuff I cherish, stuff that's practical, stuff that's fine, stuff that's cool, lame, ugly etc. Doesn't everyone? And what if I went to someone's house and every single thing was cool and intentional? I haven't been to that person's house yet, but if I am ever at such a dwelling, what would I think. hhmm maybe I would be sorta envious and sorta disgusted. I'm not sure, but that's what I think I'd think. I'll get back to you if it ever happens, but I suspect it won't. So so so, wine glasses. Really, just use whatever crazy ones ya got, cuz they break pretty easily and eventually you could go and legitimately buy yourself some that you love. And, you could feel good about it for using the ugly ones for as long as you did. My good friend in Baltimore gets this. She took the ugly 5 white wine glasses and 3 red wine glasses because she has crazy mixed wine glasses and also regularly breaks them - so free glasses are good glasses. Now it would be right to ask, and why the hell ya gettin rid of these here wine glasses then. They don't fit in my cabinets, too tall. And, these are simple enough that someone will be happy to get them. I need less stuff and am totally over buying some fancy wine glasses. I can drink my wine out of juice glasses, or cups or the 5 glasses our Baltimore neighbor gave me that have a shamrock and "irish coffee" written on them.

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